How IoT Connectivity Is Disrupting The Fashion Industry

How IoT Connectivity is Disrupting the Fashion Industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the exciting idea that everything in the world could be connected through the internet and controlled over a network wirelessly. And, now, more than ever before, we see this come true. Additionally, Statista forecasts that the number of IoT devices worldwide is expected to almost triple from 8.74 billion last year to over 25.4 billion in 2030. Likewise, the escalating demand for IoT products is disrupting the fashion industry in numerous ways. This…

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Artificial Intelligence Impacts Fashion Industry

Artificial Intelligence Impacts Fashion Industry

Artificial intelligence is reverberating throughout the fashion industry and changing the clothes in which we live in. Meanwhile, the emerging and rapidly evolving tech is a perfect accompaniment to the industry’s forward-thinking and cyclical nature. This post takes a look at intelligent design and ways in which artificial intelligence is changing the fashion industry for the better.  What is Intelligent Design? Both intelligent design (ID) and artificial intelligence (AI) fields address and utilize intelligence. Intelligent design addresses the information seen…

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The Rise Of 3D Printing In Fashion

The Rise of 3D Printing in Fashion

The benefits and rewards of 3D technology are making fashion designers sit up and take notice, leading to a considerable increase in interest and awareness. And as a result, 3D printing is being used throughout the spectrum of fashion.  For instance, emerging 3D fashion creations are being spotted on the runways in high-end fashion shows, while more low-end brands are featuring the looks, as well. Likewise, innovation and new techniques are being developed for 3D printed fashion all the time.…

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AR Poised To Connect Physical And Digital Retail In Fashion

AR Poised to Connect Physical and Digital Retail in Fashion

How many times have you gone to buy an outfit or a pair of shoes online, and once it arrived, it either didn’t fit or looked completely different from what was depicted in the images? Even if your answer is “not often,” you likely had to go through the hassle of returning the merchandise afterward. It’s enough to sour you on buying fashion online forever, and therein lies a problem as more brick and mortar retail outlets make the transition…

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